Achieving financial success is not just about luck or a high-paying job. Building a secure financial future requires a solid foundation. Below I have explored four key factors that can significantly increase your chances of financial success. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or looking to refine your approach, these tips will help you to make informed decisions and control your finances with confidence.

  1. Pick your partner well. Building a strong partnership can be your most valuable asset. Even if you have very different levels of financial interest, articulating a clear plan that both understand and support builds trust and can lead to much better results than going it alone.

  2. Choose your investment approach. The options can leave anyone feeling overwhelmed, but you do not need to make only once choice and never change. Instead, you can select what fits you best in terms of time and comfort level for your present needs and interests that may evolve over time from an initial full-service model to a fully DIY version and everything in between.

  3. Keep it simple - Remember that money is meant to give you options not headaches. The goal is to develop strategies to make informed decisions, develop easy to understand plans and keep stress at a minimum.

  4. Prepare a “hit by a bus” document. You should expect the unexpected and ensure your loved ones have clear instructions in the case of an emergency. A simple document outlining your debts and assets, passwords to any accounts and a plan that others can follow should be placed in a secure location known to those you trust.

Financial success is a marathon, not a sprint. By emphasizing a strong financial partnership (studies show couples are more likely to reach financial goals), developing a flexible investment strategy that adapts to your changing needs, keeping your plans simple and understandable, and preparing for unforeseen circumstances with a "hit by a bus" document, you'll be well on your way to achieving your financial goals and gaining long-term peace of mind. Remember, financial success is about more than just money; it's about taking control of your future and building a life of security and freedom.


